Sunday, 5 August 2012

Lorelli Aspires To Be Top Model

Lorelli Aspires To Be Top Model

HOPES are high for 19-year-old Lorelli Monteath who will be strutting her stuff in the regional competition for Miss Teen Australia in Mackay later this month.

No rookie to beauty pageants, Lorelli has competed in Miss Showgirl, Miss Country Girl and some other smaller competitions.And despite the images of beauty pageants painted by Hollywood, she said it's a much more down-to-earth experience.

"I think the movies play it out a little bit," she said.

"A girlfriend of mine does the Miss V8 competition and she said it gets pretty full on there, (but at Miss Teen) everyone knows as soon as you walk in you're getting judged on your social graces.

"I know I would be happy to help other girls with their hair or makeup."And as the oldest of seven children, that maternal instinct comes into play as well.

"I do have quite a bit of a mother instinct," she said. "Some of my friends get a bit annoyed with me.

"I think that comes into play. It gives you a bit of a different attitude, you can put up with a bit more."

Luckily those six siblings, the youngest of whom is four, coupled with her mum form quite the cheer squad.

"Mum said I have to call her before and after," she said.

"They're all excited for me. The one directly underneath is a bit of a tomboy, so she's like 'why would you got to Mackay for a modelling competition?' but secretly I think she wants me to do well.

"My other two sisters get really excited, they want to know what I'm wearing and how I'm going to do my hair."

On August 18, Lorelli will compete against girls from Mackay, Bundaberg and Rockhampton, one of whom will be chosen to go on to the State competition.

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